Traceability from Sock to Sweater
It’s official: everything you order from us at Paka can now be traced back to its source. And we’re not just talking about our team tracing things behind the scenes. Now, you’ll start to see QR codes attached to every product, taking you to the info with just a snap of your phone. But these codes are more than a fun detail—because being transparent and traceable is the very foundation of ethical shopping.
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Not Just a Pin on a Map, But a Person
Even when we were starting out, we knew traceability was mission critical for Paka. Learning the reality of the process by following our fibers from start to finish was the foundation of trust we were unwilling to compromise on. And for a while, we did just that, tracking our clothing back to its hometown—a pin on a map. But we knew we could do better…
Today, we’ve gone beyond map pins and are connecting our products to the people who actually made them—the talented Alpaqueros (alpaca farmers) and Quechua Weavers. Why? To understand the real needs of locals who live in these locations. Because only then can we offer the most specific support possible. Coordinates are nice, but it’s through human-to-human conversations and respecting the unique subcultures throughout Peru that we can make the level of impact we hold ourselves to.
Recently, we began the process of building local greenhouses in Alpaquero communities, and this was no random choice. Residents explained the difficulties of growing nutrient-rich produce at high Andean elevation, requiring them to traverse the mountains into the lower-altitude regions, a difficult task for children and elderly alike. By working alongside local schools to teach students to tend the greenhouse vegetables, and even build more greenhouse going forward, we can provide genuine support with long-lasting benefits. And best of all, we did it together.

Human Connection at 15,000+ Feet High
Gisella oversees Paka’s clothing production in Peru with the same passion that led her to the textile industry almost 20 years ago. Being able to support her home, culture, and local artisans via her expertise has been a dream. So needless to say, 100% of our products being fully traceable is a milestone she’s thrilled to finally see arrive.
Because Gisella (or Gise as she’s known around here) knows firsthand that getting to the root of the clothing process means connecting with the people who make our products—and this is what allows Paka to make the lasting impact we strive for. As she says: It's important work because our realities are not the same, so we need to first understand.
She recalls a time where her team arrived at an Alpaquero community with well-intentioned toy cars to share with local kids, before quickly learning that these were not something the parents wanted. Rather than feel angry or ashamed, her team listened. Really listened. And they discovered that the toys’ batteries were something the parents chose to avoid in order to help protect the land. Her team immediately understood. And as a result, rather than a moment of mishap, it became one of connection, which laid a foundation of trust that continues to grow and thrive to this day. That’s the power of tracing products back to their human origin.

When we began, there was no supply chain set up. Everything here in the alpaca industry is small scale, with herds of 60-90 alpacas free-roaming in the rural Andes at 15,000+ feet. So, we had to build this bridge ourselves.
Gisella Garate, Dir. Peru and Impact

How We Follow the Thread
How exactly do we manage to trace every single one of our products? Each batch of yarn comes with a unique code that stays connected to it through the entire process, from the alpaca herd to your closet. So long before a Paka package arrives at your doorstep, we push the manufacturer to provide us with the traceable information linked to the yarn’s code that went into your clothes.

Once we have all the deets, we make the hangtag. And each garment has its own. Because while two identical Paka styles will always have the same delightfully soft feel, the yarn that went into them may have started from two different Alpaqueros. But because these QR codes are linked to each lot of yarn, you’re empowered to know exactly where, and who. And in this way, you can feel connected to your clothing, and more importantly, the real human beings that made it. That page to learn more is here.

Building a Brighter Future, Together
We hope that seeing exactly where and who made your Paka products has got you thinking. Because when we’re all connected to the source, it gives us the chance to directly impact the lives of Alpaqueros, Weavers, their families, and the alpacas as well.
So, what else would you like to know when it comes to your clothing? Have any ideas on how we can shed even more light on the subject? We look forward to hearing your ideas as we co-create a more ethical business model and supply chain—together.